Enumerated type that contains the valid flags that can be passed to createFont when creating a new font.
enum FontFlag
Default, //!< Default / None.
NoAntiAlias //!< Fonts generated from TrueType files should not be anti-aliased.
Enumerated type that contains valid formatting types that can be specified when rendering text into a Rect area (the formatting Rect).
enum TextFormatting
LeftAligned, //!< All text is printed on a single line. The left-most character is aligned with the left edge of the formatting Rect.
RightAligned, //!< All text is printed on a single line. The right-most character is aligned with the right edge of the formatting Rect.
Centred, //!< All text is printed on a single line. The text is centred horizontally in the formatting Rect.
Justified, //!< All text is printed on a single line. The left-most and right-most characters are aligned with the edges of the formatting Rect.
WordWrapLeftAligned, //!< Text is broken into multiple lines no wider than the formatting Rect. The left-most character of each line is aligned with the left edge of the formatting Rect.
WordWrapRightAligned, //!< Text is broken into multiple lines no wider than the formatting Rect. The right-most character of each line is aligned with the right edge of the formatting Rect.
WordWrapCentred, //!< Text is broken into multiple lines no wider than the formatting Rect. Each line is centred horizontally in the formatting Rect.
WordWrapJustified //!< Text is broken into multiple lines no wider than the formatting Rect. The left-most and right-most characters of each line are aligned with the edges of the formatting Rect.
Class that encapsulates text rendering functionality for a typeface
A Font object is created for each unique typeface required. The Font class provides
methods for loading typefaces from various sources, and then for outputting text via